Elster A1140 Meter Programming Software


2012-04-28 11:53

Hi I'm out of town, and need the Elster Meter Programming software. Can you please email it to me?


2019-05-02 13:26
Last Edited 2022-08-20 21:48

The Elster Meter Programming Software (called PMU - Power Master Unit); is available from Elster for free. If you go and visit them in Industria in Johannesburg, they have a stack of CDs that they give away for free.
It is always best to check with Elster first, since they bring out newer versions of the software from time to time.
The version that we currently use to program Elster A1140s and A1700s is PMU 2.4 and can also be downloaded from us at:
http://www.pnpscada.com/Elster/Elster Power Master Unit V2.4.1.16.exe
The software to program the Elster A220 and AS1440 is called Alphaset, and is also available from Elster. You can find it from us at:
The software to program the Elster AS230 is called PMU 3.0 and can be downloaded from us at:
http://www.pnpscada.com/Elster/Power Master Unit V3.0.3499 (AS230) Installer.exe

Tags: elster a1140elster a1700elster as1440elster as220elster as230elster as3000elster as3500software download

2017-02-08 10:45

Please see this link for updated software: Elster Software


2020-02-17 11:07

enter message...Hi Matiaan

i spoke to you on friday regarding a meter i have setup in the office.

ideal Prepaid. i have checked all and this modem does not pickup at all.

Meter nr:78921914

Name:ideal office alf

i am not sure what is wrong, could you please assist.

my nr:0682451350



2020-02-17 11:47

enter message...Hi Matiaan

i spoke to you on friday regarding a meter i have setup in the office.

ideal Prepaid. i have checked all and this modem does not pickup at all.

Meter nr:78921914

Name:ideal office alf

i am not sure what is wrong, could you please assist.

my nr:0682451350



2020-02-17 13:06

Hi Annamarie, your modem is not replying to SMSes, so please first load airtime.

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