Is pnpscada compliant with NRS-049?


2023-10-04 02:51

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Is there anyway for you to confirm if we are compliance with NRS-049?


Kind regards


2023-10-04 02:52


NRS049 is a guideline, not a requirement.

As such there is some flexibility in the interpretation thereof.

Some parts can be better or worse supported by pnpscada depending on how it is configured.

For instance, there is a requirement to keep the raw data as read from the meter. For some people that means that Secondary metering should not be used to multiply profile, and they do their multiplying through the Portion parameter of the Meter Accounts, rather than the Pulse Multiplier on the Meter Details. Other people interpret that as meaning we should keep full timestamped binary conversations with meters for a number of years, since that is the raw data, and pnpscada can be configured to do that, although it uses a bit more space.

That is one example. However NRS049 also has various extensions, like NRS049-5-2 which deals with wheeling, and various upload formats and methodologies, some of which we have written specific functionality for.

Additionally NRS049 also deals with other kinds of systems and components, and not only the ones that pnpscada can support, for instance in terms of network topologies, pnpscada does not and cannot represent the meter portion of that specification, since it is not a meter. Also, NRS049 is generally flexible in terms of e.g. what network security or network protocol may be used between components, in terms of Application layer, Transport layer, Network layer and potential lower layers.

Therefore, since NRS049 is a high level view of many different components and their interoperability, it is more of a guideline than a specification.

Hope that helps!


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