Manual TOU register reading capture


2023-04-26 12:43

A manual TOU register reading can be captured.

This is to eg reset the register readings where the registers are profile calculated. Especially if the billing system already has a reading, and it expects to receive the usage on that register at month end since the last reading.

Then the new register readings should be calculated from there using only the last month's profile.

To do this, first make sure you have added TOU Calendars to the meter on Edit->Advanced Meter Settings, in the Register Calendars list box. These TOU Calendars must have some Registers defined under Edit->Calendar Registers. 

Then select the meter in question and on the menu select Edit->TOU Billing Register Values.
There is a link at the top of the screen that says 'enter manual reading'. Click on that link, and the input boxes will appear. Enter the manual readings for all the registers, and the correct time, typically at 00:00:00. (For it to affect billing, it has to be on a profile boundary, e.g. a half hour boundary).

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