edit details - meter - pnpscada


2019-09-11 15:33

used when you want to 'end off' or 'park' a meter (and possibly add it on another site)

  1. adds _OLD to the end of the meter serial (or _OLD2 if its the second mark-as-old)
  2. tick disabled (under Edit->Meter Details)
  3. unlinks the meter from it's Communication Device
replace meter:
used when you want to replace a broken meter with a new one
  1. adds _OLD to the end of the meter serial (or _OLD2 if its the second mark-as-old)
  2. tick disabled (under Edit->Meter Details)
  3. unlinks the meter from it's Communication Device
  4. starts add wizard to create a new meter in the place of the old one
  5. links the new meter to all the same Meter Accounts as the old one
tenant move out:
used when you want to 'end of' a meter and re-create that meter at the same site for a new customer
  1. adds _OLD to the end of the meter serial (or _OLD2 if its the second mark-as-old)
  2. tick disabled (under Edit->Meter Details)
  3. unlinks the meter from it's Communication Device
  4. recreate the meter with the original's serial and Communication Device.
    All the new data read, will be associated with the new meter.
  5. links the new meter to all the same Meter Accounts as the original
  6. you will need to create a new Meter Account and link it to the new Meter and unlink the Meter Accounts from the new meter that you don't want.
TIP: before clicking tenant move out, set the Last Read Up To Date And Time back to where you want the split to happen. Do not set it forward.

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