GPRS Barcode Scanner Hand-held


2016-01-29 14:30

When you add this device to PNPSCADA, you can specify the Name and Device ID.
The only requirement is that the device must submit the insertSealEvent.jsp page on pnpscada appropriately.
You can see what that page looks like by typing in the page in your url, e.g.
You'll see that the Device ID is one of the parameters, so make sure your device id is long and difficult to guess. You also have to specify the user (pnpscada login) to use it.
The idea is to have barcoded meter seals, which you can scan before and after each site visit. Also, after installation.
The first time (installation?) that this is called, it records the original seals.
The next time, the seals must be scanner before working (if they have changed tamper events will be logged); and after you've worked and when you've resealed the site, scan it again. This will then be checked against next time someone visits the site.
The events that can be logged are essentially:
Seal Install
Seal Confirm
Seal Change
Seal Discrepancy
There is also space to put in the meter serial number, the GPS co-oridinates and multiple pictures. You can also capture a Note.
You don't have to fill in all seal numbers or all the pictures.
You can write a special application running on a handheld or a phone, that can take the necessary barcode scans, pictures, GPS co-ordinates and so forth. This can take the form of an HTML5 page or anything else you fancy. The API for this functionality is specified through the insertSealEvent.jsp page, that is freely available on every PNPSCADA server. It is an HTML FORM that is POSTED to the server where the relevant meter entity exists. Note that it must be multi-part encoded FORM, e.g.

method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="insertSealEvent.jsp" >

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