Creating logins with limited permissions


2015-09-02 17:02

To create a login with limited permissions:
Permissions are controlled in Role entities.
So, to create logins with limited permissions, you will need to create a separate role.
In the role you can then set what permissions you want to allow.
To create a role:
1) Go to File->New

2) User admin entities

3) Organization Role

4) From the dropdown, choose your main Organization.
If you use sub-organizations, you should choose the one that contains the meters that you want to allow access to.

5) Now, enter the name for the Role, like "Limited Account"
Don't worry about the other settings on this screen, we'll edit them later.
Click Finish

6) With the newly created roles selected, go to Edit->Role

7) If you want the person to see all entities, you can click "No Entity Restriction"
If you only want him to see certain entities, you can select "Specify which Entities may be accessed"
and then click the "Add" button to add all entities that you want him to have access to.
The entities you add will appear beneath the Add button.

8) Now select "Specify which Entity Interfaces may be Accessed"
Below is a long list of interfaces that you can choose from.
Next to each is a checkbox, when selected, means the person has access to that interface.
As assistance, all screens associated with that interface is listed in parentheses next to the interface name.
9) The most popular read-only interface, is the one called Meter Account. This will give you access to viewing the Profile Graph, viewing the Provisional Bill, viewing the Monthly Bill and some other report screens.
Be careful not to confuse it with Meter Account Edit which is the next one and gives permission to edit the meter account.

Other interfaces worth pointing out:
-Meter Phasors Admin => allows reading and viewing of phasor diagrams
-Meter Info => allows viewing some technical information about a meter
-SCADA Dashboard View => allows viewing a SCADA Dashboard (Gauges and realtime graphs)
-Account Access => allows viewing how many PNPSCADA channels you have used for this month
-Electricity Meter Account => Some further reports
-Instrumentation Profile => allows viewing instrumentation profile (if available)
-Ledger => allows viewing of ledger transactions
-Ledger Admin => allows editing of ledger transactions (credit and debit)
-Tariff Admin & TOU Calendar Admin => Allows editing tariffs and calendars
10) Click "Specify which types of entities my be added" and then do not click any checkboxes in the list below.
This means that the person will not be able to add any entities.

*Remember to click Update button at the bottom.
11) Now, assuming you have already created a login for this person, and you want to move them to this limited role,
with the Login entity selected, go to Edit->Login Account

12) And change the Role in Organization dropdown to the newly created role with the limited permissions
and click Update

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