Bulk Validate


2014-12-04 13:46

It is now possible to do bulk validation on events in the View->Bulk Event screen.
With this it is also possible to only validate some events and not other events on a specific meter, which was not previously possible.


2014-12-17 11:20

I have been asked to post a step by step description of doing a Bulk Validate.

  1. Go to View->Bulk Event Report
  2. Enter the Start and End date & time range.
  3. Select the subset of meters you want, or leave empty to select all meters, and submit. You will be presented with a list of all the events that happened
  4. Select the event types you want to view and submit. You will be presented with the Bulk Event Report
  5. Select the event instances you want to validate with the checkboxs on the left on every line. Right at the bottom of the report, there is a button to validate the selected instances of events.


2015-07-10 17:24

It is now also possible to select in step 3 whether you want to select validated or unvalidated events, or both.
Also, remember that you can view a map with all the events via a link at the bottom of the last screen (step 5) - provided that you have supplied the meters with GPS co-ordinates!

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