Meter Total Screen


2014-08-29 17:42

Transcribed from an email
Please explain 1,2,3


2014-08-29 17:43

  1. Re-interpolate all is used more for meter types that calculate profile from difference between totals.
    When profile is interpolated, it has a specific status bit set as such. (Usually this bit is not set at all for Intelligent 3 Phase power meters) When this button is pressed, it will delete all profile that has been interpolated already, and recalculate the values thereof based on the difference in totals. For your site, this should not happen, since profile values are normally not interpolated.
  2. Recalculate is if you want to recalculate a total, based on a previous or subsequent total plus or minus the profile. If the total is wrong, because of for instance a CT that was not programmed into a meter or some other reason, you will have to recalculate it. Usually such totals also would have a background color that is not white, to show there is a problem with it. The reason you can't just delete the total, is because it could be read in from the meter again, e.g. in the case of the historical billing totals that is kept in memory. So PNPSCADA will not overwrite another total if that space is already occupied, even with a calculated total.
  3. The status of the total, as specified in the legend, is as follows:
    3 for a total read from the meter.
    2 for a total calculated with profile from a total read from the meter at another time than this total
    1 for a total calculated purely from profile, assuming the meter started at 0
    9 if the meter total was entered manually by a human
    8 if the total was calculated from profile from a total entered by a human
    >1000000 if the total is a checktotal, therefore not to be taken seriously by PNPSCADA, typically since it does not fall on a half hour boundary (if you want to ignore it also, just click on the Hide Check Totals link, just to see the important totals)
    The reason there are many digits, is because there are totals for P1, P2, Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. The first digit (less than 10) is the status of E1 (P1); the second digit (tens) is the status of E2 (P2); the third digit is F1 (Q1) etc.

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