Pastel export


2014-04-24 02:19

It is possible to export Monthly Bills that was run for Meter Accounts as Pastel Invoices, in csv format.
The Account Number should match the customer code in Pastel. If no Account Number is specified, the Meter Account ID would be used in the export.
The additional Meter Account fields can be useful. The fields that are normally Region and Lot Number, can be used for a header field in the Pastel Invoice and a Footer field in the Pastel invoice, respectively. To fill in different lines, delimit the lines within the header and footer fields with a comma in the PNPSCADA setting.
The bill is exported as a Stock Item, and the default stock item code used is MISC. One can override that value by specifying an alternative code in the additional meter account number field that is normally called Stand Number.
It is important that the customer code and the stock item code used in the invoice export must already exist in your Pastel installation before you try to import it.


2014-06-22 21:32

We've now added a new Pastel Format for Bill Export.
The previous format is good for Pastel Xpress and Pastel Partner. The new format is more suitable for Pastel Evolution.
The format is csv, and the rows are all in the same format. The Columns have the following meanings:

  1. Invoice Number
  2. Account Number
  3. End of Billing Period Date
  4. Region Account number field
  5. Lot Number Account number field
  6. units (floating point number)
  7. rate
  8. (rate*tax_percentage)
  9. Stock Item Code (Stand Number Account number field)
  10. Description

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