Zero readings


2012-02-16 12:05

How do I solve Zero readings?


2012-02-16 12:05

Zero Readings would not always be a problem. If your tenants has moved out, you could possibly have very long periods with zero readings. Other sites like to switch off everything at night, during which time you'll also get zero readings. Some utilities, like water, also lends itself more easily to zero readings than electricity, because of the nature of the utility and its use.

However, it could be that your installation is faulty, for instance the meter is disconnected, or it is running in reverse. To check whether that is the case, the Phasor Graph and the Meter Totals can very often be of help. Some electricity meters registers reverse flow totals, even when they are not profiling it, so you might even be able to quantify the 'lost' energy exactly, in some cases.

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