Problem Meter List - pnpscada\
This page displays a list of your meters that did not read in today.\
It lists the last time it read in at, the Meter Account name/s, the phone number or connection id, the problem, and a manual report field - in the form of a link.\
Hover your mouse over the fields to get more in-depth information in the form of a tooltip.\
If you click the meter serial number, the meter is selected in a popup window, and you can navigate further to troubleshoot, e.g. Communication Logs, Communication Monitor, etc.\
If you click the link under Follow-up, you'll be able to enter additional information on a problem, and possibly allocate a technician or other person to investigate.\
If your list is excessively long, try clicking on the 'previous day' link on top, to see which meters have been a problem already the day before.