Overview - pnpscada\
On the overview screen, you can select any of the entities visible to you.\
Entities are listed under their Category (e.g. Meters) and/or the Make & model of the entity (e.g. Elster A1700): Click the link to expand the list. If the list is too long, you can press the 'more...' link, which will bring up a popup window wherein you can browse all entities of that type, complete with Search functionality.\
If an entity is selected, it will be shown in black in the menu - directly to the left of the Help link. This will be visible in your menu, no matter what page you're at.\
The menu will be interpreted in terms of the selected/opened entity.\
If an entity is selected, you will be shown the entity in a square at the top of the Overview screen, in a simplified Entity Relationship diagram. To the left of this square, will be other entities that the selected entity depends upon. To the right, will be other entities that depends on the selected entity. In general, if the square is green, it has been confirmed/verified.\
In the simplified Entity Relationship diagram, you can select a dependent entity - or an entity that is dependent on - by clicking the link inside the square to the left or right of the selected entity's square. If you can't click it, it is because that entity is not accessible to you.\
Via the little link/s underneath the selected entity's square, you can unselect or delete the selected entity. If the selected entity has dependent entities, or you do not have add permission on that kind of entity, you won't be able to delete the selected entity.\
At the bottom, is a button called 'Add New', if you have permission to add any kind of entity. Click this button if you want to add an Entity, no matter what kind of entity it is. If you click the entity, it will result in a popup window, which is in the form of a Wizard, where you fill in or select things and press Next, until you press Finished. Some entities would need other entities to function, for instance, to call in a meter, the meter should be connected to a modem or some other kind of Communication Device.