Problem Meter List does not work


2020-07-20 14:49

Hi, my Propblem Meter List stopped working.


2012-02-03 12:14

You can specify if a meter has been commissioned or not.
There is a tick box in the meter details screen to commission a meter.
As a special case, if all meters in your organization is uncommissioned (the inital state) we take it that all are commissioned.
Once you tick even one meter as commissioned, it means all unticked meters are uncommissioned.
So if you set one meter as commissioned, you need to put all of your commissioned meters as commissioned.
Your Problem Meter list will also change to show you only commissioned meters.
You can switch between commissioned and uncommissioned in the Problem Meter list.
So to fix this, eigther untick (in the meter details screen) all meters or tick all meters that are commissioned.

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