2012-01-30 14:20
I had an interesting incident with UFS : QWA QWA MAIN SUB
2012-01-30 14:36
I assume that the Ct and Vt Ratio's that you refer to is in Edit->MeterDetails?
Those limits are used to check data. It isn't Multiplied with the data before it is entered into the database. We use the 'Pulse Multiplier' in Edit->MeterDetails for that.
I also assume that the Ct and Vt hasn't been set directly on the meter. In order to multiply the data with 2000 before it is entered into the database one must change the 'Pulse Multiplier" from 1:1 to 2000:1 and then submit.
The new data will then be correct. The easiest way to ensure that the past data is also correct is to change the 'Last Read Up to Date & Time' to a past date such as '2011-10-06'. This means that the data from the meter will be reread and multiplied as it comes in.